How to remove henna from brows? Saving brows after failed henna brow tinting

The plan seemed to be simple: treat brows with henna and look gorgeous. Sadly, the result achieved is far from satisfactory… the brows are either too dark or – what’s even worse – the color is uneven. Is it possible to remove henna from brows? Learn a few ways that can help you to escape unharmed from failed henna brow tinting.

Henna tinting is a significantly cheaper alternative to this incredibly convenient permanent makeup. Not only does it cost less but also it allows you to intensify the color of bows without leaving home. Every once in a while though something goes wrong…

Failed henna brow tinting

Can anything go wrong while performing such a simple task like tinting brows with henna? Of course, it can! Although henna brows results don’t last as long as permanent makeup, you should realize that the effects achieved persist even a few weeks (it depends on various factors) and there are some things that might not go well.

  1. Brows are too dark because either henna used was too strong or you let it sit for a little bit too long.
  2. The effect achieved may look bad on you because henna tinted your skin differently than you expected it to, e.g. the color is too black/red.
  3. Brows may become asymmetrical or uneven if you don’t apply henna carefully enough, or when you do this in a rush.

Saving brows after failed henna brow tinting

Luckily, there are a few ways out of this situation. Some of them are a little bit too extreme like for example growing a long fringe that is supposed to cover up the brows. There are also some really effective but tedious ones such as highlighting brows and correcting their shape with a concealer or powder every single day.

The best solution to save brows after failed tinting depends on lightening them up. This procedure doesn’t belong to the easiest solutions, especially when the henna used was synthetic and worked like a regular hair dye. Still, it’s worth trying.

Ways to light brows up after failed tinting

Hey, it’s not the end of the world if your brows turned out to be too dark after treating them with henna. Here are the best ways to light eyebrows up. Learn them all!

  • Warm water with soap – damp either a cotton pad or a makeup sponge with warm water and soap. Next, devote a while to rubbing the brows with the accessory (note: do this with the grain). If henna has been applied relatively recently, you can expect this method to help you slightly highlight the brows.
  • Makeup remover – since henna is perceived as a color cosmetic, you should give makeup remover a try. Since it’s stronger than regular soap, wiping the brows a few times with a cotton pad dampen with a makeup remover is an effective way to deal with dark brows.
  • Toothpaste – this is a solution for those whose skin isn’t sensitive. It depends on applying toothpaste to eyebrows and allowing it to handle the dark color for a few minutes (approx. 5 minutes). Then the toothpaste has to be washed down. The brows should become lighter in color, yet don’t be surprised if you notice a temporary skin reaction.
  • Mechanical peeling – obviously, making use of peeling seems to be the easiest solution, providing that you haven’t done it right prior to exposing your brows to henna tinting. Finely ground abrasive particles that mechanical peeling contains aren’t expected to damage brows, yet the most external layer of epidermis – the one that is dyed with henna – should be easily removed.
  • Lemon juice – citrus fruit is recognized for its highlighting properties, therefore you can prepare a special brow dressing by pouring fresh lemon juice over a cotton pad. Actually, this is one of the most effective ways of lightening hair up, including of course eyebrows.
  • Shaving foam – a men’s bag can also save us when our brows appear to get too dark after henna tinting. Pick up a small amount of shaving foam, apply it to eyebrows and let it sit for a while. Rinsed shaving cream should reveal highlighted brows.